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A Host is named to coordinate each Annual Convention of The Augustan Society, Inc.

The Host is named by the Convention Chairman and serves at his pleasure. In the absence of a Convention Chairman, this falls to the President.

Hosts are expected to find a suitable location for the Convention in their home city, or one that they are intimately and recently familiar with. They will recommend a hotel, meeting space, restaurants, and speakers for both formal and informal events. Final approval of each is subject to review by the Convention Chairman, and any contracts for arrangements must be approved by the President and executed by Consuls, within the limits of the Budget.

When attendance warrants, it is desirable that Hosts invite a local expert to provide a talk on an Augustan topic at the Annual Banquet or at meetings. They may also invite local non-members who they think may have an interest in the Society (though not to the meetings of the Board, Sub-Groups, or Committees).

Hosts will be reimbursed for incidental expenses. Should they wish to sample restaurants or hotels, or incur expenses traveling over 100 miles, prior approval must be obtained.

Hosts are asked to create promotional copy for their Convention to be published in Augustæum, to create copy for a program for the entire Convention, and one for the Annual Banquet. The Editors will assist as needed in producing these; local printing is not authorized.

Hosts from previous years should expect to be called upon for advice and assistance, and to stand for appointment as the Convention Chairman, especially those who host the more successful events.