
Heraldry Committee

29 bytes added, 22:32, 1 December 2015
The heraldic activities of The Augustan Society, Inc., are under the direction of the Heraldry Committee. The Committee Chairman is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the [[President]], and said Chairman appoints all other members of the Committee and the Chairman of other committees in the Heraldry Department.
==Heraldry Committee Membership==
Members include:
*''[[Rose Roll of Arms]]'' Editor
==Heraldry Committee Duties==
*To oversee the heraldic operations of the Society;
*To answer heraldic research questions put to the Society (paid or unpaid, the latter limited to brief or easy questions);
*To advise the [[Library]] on the accessions, organization, and deaccessons;
*To solicit articles for the ''[[The Augustan Omnibus|Omnibus]]''on the topic of heraldry;
*To provide at least one item per year for ''[[Augustæum]]'';
*To submit a report of activities and plans to the [[Board|Board of Directors]] annually and as the Board or [[President]] may request.