
Heraldry Training Study Group

285 bytes added, 18:00, 30 July 2016
The goals of both member development and public education oblige The Augustan Society, Inc., to develop a variety of training programs. The purpose of this [[Study Groups|Study Group ]] is to develop such a program in the field of heraldry. It is headed by a [[Coordinators|Coordinator]] who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the [[Dean of Studies]].
Presently a this Study Group is under the direction of the [[Dean of Studies]], the transfer of this program to the [[Heraldry|Heraldry Department]] under the direction of the [[Heraldry Committee Chairman]] has been suggested and may . An alternative more in line with the goals of the Study Group program would be implementedfor the Heraldry Committee Chairman to name the Coordinator to his committee.
The immediate tasks of this Study Group are to develop members gather participants and to define the scope of the project (at least in its initial phase). It is anticipated that this first phase will be an elementary training program, with more advanced work offered in subsequent phases (if any).
This project should be undertaken with an awareness of the other heraldic training programs available. Keeping with the Society's charge to do what others can't or won't, our program must be unique in some way in order to be considered worthy. One expects that our international scope may come into play here.