
SOS 2014

12 bytes added, 01:19, 12 August 2016
*Our membership numbers (and too our bank account) are stagnant. While the [[Communications|website]] continues to bring in a dribble, it is not sufficient to replace those lost to age and attrition. More importantly, our membership is not large enough to fund our progress, partly because of a deliberate decision not to raise dues so rapidly we would lose significant numbers.
*The [[Chivalry|Chivalry Department]] has been making good progress on a thorough reevaluation of our list of [[List of Recognized Ordersof Chivalry]]. This isn’t always a pleasant process, but it should help us recover the reputation we once had in this field. Recognitions have been handled promptly, but we’ve seen no new petitions since the price increase.
*The [[Genealogy|Genealogy Department]] still has no chairman, and we are limping along, reviewing lineages on an ad hoc basis. We do have a plan to sponsor a [[lineage report generator]] in our open source genealogy software (Gramps), which should greatly aid the production and standardization of same.