
SOS 2014

19 bytes removed, 22:11, 18 October 2014
*[[Email]] has been a serious problem this year, with our domain registrar, our email forwarding system, and lately our webmail service all flaking out on us. We now have a new domain registrar, our own email forwarding system, and have migrated from our webmail service to another that uses local clients to store and read mail (with webmail available as a backup for travel). Much time consumed, but fortunately very little money.
*The [[Library]] is one of the high spots. Funding was made available to double our floor space, and we’ve filled the new room with used library shelving. The process of getting the books out of the storage boxes and onto those shelves in proper order is moving more slowly than I would like (about 40% done at present), but the books are now far more accessible. [[Library Cataloging|Cataloging]] has been slowed of late by competing demands on our [[Assistant Treasurer]], but does continue as time permits.
*Our [[Museum]] collection … continues to gather dust. Not much else to be said. This will take local labor to impact, and right now Consuls have their hands over-full.