
Vision Proposals

4 bytes added, 15:25, 25 August 2016
/* Chivalry */
<li>The Society should maintain and keep private a list of those Orders of Chivalry (and organizations of a chivalric nature) that we have examined and found unworthy, along with the disqualifying conditions, so as to speed reconsideration should those change, and so staff can answer questions about them appropriately.</li>
<li>The Society should maintain and publish the standards by which they judge membership and rank in recognized [[Recognized Orders of Chivalry ]] (and organizations of a chivalric nature) worthy of recognition.</li>
<li>The Society should document the appropriate process (in this Wiki) for reviewing membership and rank in recognized Orders of Chivalry (and organizations of a chivalric nature) as a byproduct of such reviews to serve as a model for future reviews.</li>