
Administration Vision

1 byte added, 22:46, 6 October 2017
<li>The [[Order of the Augustan Eagle]] is headed by the President, who names the officers from that group's membership, with Board confirmation.</li>
<li>The [[Noble Company of the Rose]] is headed by the ''[[Magister Rosae]]'' (MR) who is elected from that groups members in Good Standing by those members, with Board confirmation, and the ''MR'' names the officers from that group's membership, also with Board confirmation.</li>
Careful study of the above shows that the President bears the greatest burden for appointments, and thus for ensuring that the Society works as intended&mdash;or indeed works at all. Weakness in the presidency is dangerous, as the only alternative is for the Board to rise up and remove him from office. Even when this is obviously needed, it remains a difficult act that may have lasting personal repercussions.