
Octavian Society

438 bytes removed, 10:11, 28 November 2019
deleted paragraph about possible future actions that was ambiguous
Falling dormant as Rodney Hartwell slowly succumbed to his final disease, the Octavian Society passed to his sole heir, Jessica Hartwell. She, not wishing to operate the group, gave the Octavian Society, ''JAMS'', and such other assets as might be found to The Augustan Society. Thus The Augustan Society is now in the situation of owning a for-profit business. This isn't unknown in the non-profit world, nor is it a problem, so long as the tail doesn't begin to wag the dog. As the Octavian Society has been left dormant, and Augustan recognition of Octavian honors suspended, it is not presently an issue.
However, should The Augustan Society falter, and be unable to continue financially, there is the option of transferring their assets to the Octavian Society, and leasing the operation of that group to some willing operator. This would permit the Octavian Society to continue most Augustan activities and publications, while leaving the Augustan Society as a shell to gather income until such time as they were able to resume operations.