
CitySoft Admin Guide

4,504 bytes added, 20:14, 13 February 2023
Bruce moved page [[Web Site Admin Guide]] to [[CitySoft Admin Guide]]: split user from admin guide
Note that these are a guide to administering the web site, not for public or member users.
<ol type="I">=Access==<lip>Access: To access the admin functions, one must first Login as a registered user of the site, then Login again as an Admin.</p> ==Home==<p>This page can be customized to display any of a number of modules. Each Admin may customize this page to include those of interest. For speed of operation, those not of interest should be deselected. The modules include:</p> <ol type="A"> <li>Key Reports</li> <li>Recent Activities</li> <li>Recent Donations</li> <li>Recent Event Registrations</li> <li>Recent Forms</li> <li>Recent Individual Membership Registrations</li> <li>Recent Logins</li> <li>Recent New Store Orders</li> <li>Recent Organization Membership Registrations</li> <li>Recent Processed Store Orders</li> <li>Sites Overview</li> <li>Starred Reports</li> <li>Tasks and Activities</li> <li>Workflow Overview</li> </ol>==Pages====Contacts====Events====Email====Membership====Reports==<p>Note: The Reports function cannot, at present, generate usable mailing labels. It can generate a comma-delimited file that can be converted into mailing labels, and the Webmaster has a process to do so.</p> <p>Functions may be selected from the left column. Click on [>>] to view.</p> <ol type="A"> <li>Custom Reports</li> <li>Standard Reports</li> <li>Report Templates</li> <li>Update Report Data</li> <li>Usage Reports</li> <li>Admin Settings</li> <li>Help</li> </ol><p>When you start using a new report template, switch it on, then "Update Report Data" and then run this url: &lt;;</p>==Donations====Transactions====Store==<p><em>Note that this section refers to the Store function on the main web site, which is not yet active. The Online Store is the store function hosted on the RimuHosting site, which is the currently active system.</em></p><p>Functions may be selected from the left column. Click on [>>] to view.</p> <ol> <li>Create New...</li> <li>Products</li> <li>Categories<br> Click on the down arrow [V] by "Categories" if needed to display two options: <ol> <li>View Categories<br> This will display the "View Product Categories" list. At present, this includes <ol> <li>Books, New</li> <li>Books, Used</li> <li>Insignia</li> <li>Magazines<br> Click on this category to see a list of sub-categories. At present, this includes: <ol> <li><em>Augustan Omnibus</em><br> Click on this title to display the "View Products" page for this item.<br> At the top are three buttons: <ol> <li>Add a subcategory to Augustan Omnibus</li> <li>Edit Augustan Omnibus</li> <li>Add a product to Augustan Omnibus</li> </ol> Other titles work the same way.</li> <li><em>Augustan Society Information Bulletin</em></li> <li><em>Chivalry</em></li> <li><em>Colonial Genealogist</em></li> <li><em>Germanic Genealogist</em></li> <li><em>Heraldry</em></li> <li>Society Journal, which links to a list of the varied titles under which the Society's journal has been published.</li> </ol> <li>Recognition or Registration</li> <li>Reprints</li> <li>Subscriptions</li> </ol> <li>Add Category</li> </ol> <li>Manufacturers</li> <li>Sizes</li> <li>Colors</li> <li>Orders</li> <li>Rates</li> <li>Admin Settings</li> </ol> <ol start="10"> <li>How To...</li> </ol> ==Forms== ==XIII. Organizations====XIV. &#8862; "Squared Plus"== <p>Clicking on this icon displays a list of functions. Note that these can be reordered, so may not appear in the order shown.</p> <ol type="A"><li>Accounts</li><li>Activities</li><li>Articles</li><li>Contact Search</li><li>Contacts</li><li>Data Import</li><li>Documents</li><li>Donations</li><li>Education</li><li>Email</li><li>Groups</li><li>Events</li><li>Expense Reports</li><li>Forms</li><li>Forums<br> Clicking on this word opens the "View Forums" admin page.<br> In the left column are several options: <ol> <li>Create New</li> <li>View Forums</li> <li>View Categories</li> <li>Manage Messages<br> Click on this item to display the message moderation page. At the top, there are several tabs: <ol> <li>All</li> <li>Approved</li> <li>Pending<br> Click on this tab to display the Pending Messages page.</li> <li>Deleted</li> </ol> <li>Admin Settings</li> </ol><li>Home</li><li>Households</li><li>Membership</li><li>Message</li><li>Opportunities</li><li>Organizations</li><li>Pages</li><li>Polls</li><li>Prospects</li><li>Reports</li><li>Sites</li><li>Store</li><li>Transactions</li>