
Main Website

145 bytes added, 20:15, 13 February 2023
new page names
Management of the website is nominally assigned to the [[Webmaster]]. Access to edit the site may be delegated by function to any officer or committee chairman at need.
There is, at present, no written style manual for the site. The [[Assistant Webmaster for Main Site | Assistant Webmaster]] has taken this on as part of their duties. Until contrary styles are adopted, copying the existing style is recommended.
This site also includes the working [[Roster]] for the Society and its [[Sub-Groups]]. Access to this has been granted to the [[Assistant Secretary]] and the [[Assistant Treasurer]], as each is the lead worker on some aspect of the Roster.
plus such other lists as the Society may elect to make public.
The User Guide provided by CitySoft is incomplete and obsolte. Thus a two local guides have been written: * [[Web Site CitySoft User Guide]] is being written —Common tasks with step-by staff -step instructions.* [[CitySoft Admin Guide]]—Being a rewrite of the CitySoft Guide that is more complete and accurate. This may take quite some while to document our understandingcomplete, particularly of not even considering those features that are not yet functional.