
International Chivalric Institute

102 bytes added, 19:58, 15 May 2023
The '''International Chivalric Institute ''' (ICI) was a private organization operated by Society founder [[Founder]] Rodney Hartwell. After his passing, ownership fell to his heir, who granted ownership to The Augustan Society, Inc. It has been inactive since 2002 wen when the owner'Founder’s health began to fail.
The primary (and to present awareness, only) activity of the Institute was the publication of 33 issues of the [[ICI Members' ’ Newsletter]]. These included one-page essays from members, a monthly question, and the responses to those questions. Reprints of the newsletter remains available from the Society'’s [[ Online Store]].
As nearly as can be determined (we have not yet found the records of the ICI), membership was $12 for twelve issues. Those who contributed to any issue were granted a one-month extension on their membership. Thus the newsletter was funded primarily by those who were not contributing; an interesting model worth serious consideration.
Consideration has been given to reinstituting the newsletter, either on paper or as an electronic forum, under the [[Chivalry Committee]]. To date, no action has been taken. 
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