
Five-Year Plan

2,119 bytes removed, 21:16, 13 November 2023
For medium-range planning, the [[Board|Board of Directors]] of The Augustan Society, Inc., has delegated responsibility to the [[Order of the Augustan Eagle]], which is to say the [[Eagle Council]], and assigned them the task of developing and maintaining an rolling '''Five-Year Plan''' for the Society. At present, the Eagle Council lacks sufficient members to obtain a quorum, and the [[Board|Board of Directors]] has assumed temporary responsibility for maintenance, which they have not done.
The January 2016 draft of the plan follows with marked updates through July 2018. [Bracketed] notes are from [[Headquarters Staff]] and are not part of the adopted plan.
'''The Future of the Augustan Society —FIVE YEAR PLAN'''
This document presents a plan for The Augustan Society, Inc. to continue to stabilize and grow according to its [[Mission Statement|mission]]. With a mind toward the organization's 75th anniversary, this plan also includes some long-range desired outcomes, but the focus of this report is on actionable and measurable items that may be undertaken during the next five years.
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<li>[[Communications Calendar]]
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<li>An internal schedule of all planned communication with members and the public will allow for smooth and predictable times to share information, for planning ahead to promote initiatives, and reasonable deadlines for inclusion in communications. The schedule may be developed with assistance and input from the [[Communications|Communications Department]].</li>
<li>The schedule should include:
<ol type="1">
<li>Board Nominations</li>
<li>Calls for Content for Publications</li>
<li>Invitation to [[Annual Convention]]</li>
<li>''[[Rosarum]]'', the newsletter of the [[Noble Company of the Rose]], published irregularly</li>
<li>''The [[Augustan Omnibus]]''</li>
<li>Announcement of new publications
<ol type="a">
<li>Include in ''August&aelig;um''</li>
<li>Flyer to be included in mailings</li>
<li>Advertising where appropriate for subject</li>
<li>Review copies of publications sent to relevant reporters, news editors, bloggers and book reviewers, with follow up to ask for reviews and endorsements</li>
<li>Email Newsletter</li>
<li>Social Media Updates</li>
<li>[[Main Website]] Updates</li>
<li><em>[Note: Maintenance of the Communications Calendar has been suspended due to a lack of participation.]</em></li>
<li><span id="Expanded Volunteer Involvement">Expanded Volunteer Involvement</span>
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<li>An Offsite Volunteer Coordinator is needed to match non-local volunteers to tasks. This is not expected to conflict with the work of the [[Dean of Studies]]</li>
<li>An Onsite Volunteer Coordinator will be needed to match local volunteers to tasksonce a public facility is had.</li>
<li>Increase in members' volunteering
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<li>Research as a paid service and also as an assist for staff</li>
<li>Digitizing in support of [[Back Issue Sales]]; cross-check of OCR documents [''Note: Two volunteers One volunteer now working.'']</li>
<li>''Indicators of success: number of volunteer hours donated. The [[Eagle Assistant Chancellor]] to report the total to the [[Eagle Council]] annually.</li>
<li>Financial Management and Development
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<li>''Indicators of success: active member(s) contribute time and effort needed to accomplish annual fundraising campaign''</li>
<li>Establish and promote annual campaign for specific goals
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<li>2014 - Augustan Library Fund [''´Note: there is no defined purpose for this fund. The amount collected remains in the General Fund.''] <ol type="a"> <li>This pilot project aimed to collect $10,000 in FY 2014</li> <li>This campaign and collected $2,284</li>
<li>''Indicators of success: participation from 95% of membership, meet 50% of goal''<br>[''Note: [[Headquarters Staff]] feel strongly that it's counterproductive to claim that failing by 50% is success.'']</li>
<li>2016 - Augustan Special Collections Fund (to repair, rebind or replace volumes in unusable condition) [''Note: This turned into a solicitation to benefit the general fund and balance the budget.'']</li>
<li>2017 - Augustan Headquarters Fund (to purchase permanent location) [''Note: No such fundraising was conducted.'']</li>
<li>2018 - suggestion needed [''Note: No , no fundraising was conducted through July.]</li> <li>2019 - Headquarters Buildign Building Fund [updated July 2018], no fundraising was conducted</li>
<li>Continue "Buy-A-Box" campaign until all books are unpacked [''Note: Perhaps the goal of "all books and other materials are properly shelved"?'']
<li>A $10,000 donation was made in 2011, with the stipulation that it be used to fund the expenses incurred cataloging the book collection.</li>
<li>An online book catalog has been established</li>
<li>Over 35,300 000 books have been were cataloged to dateby 2022</li>
<li>This project is managed by the [[Librarian]]</li>
<li>The establishment of a publicly accessible [[Library]] location would allow the Librarian to recruit and supervise volunteers to work on the project</li>
<li>It is estimated that between 1525,000 to 3035,000 volumes remain to be cataloged.</li>
<li>''Indicators of success: all books and ephemera cataloged at a rate of 10% per year'' [''Note: The current rate of cataloging is approximately 300 volumes per year, or 1% to 2% per year. Increasing this rate to 10% of the collection will require work to be transferred from Headquarters to volunteers or other projects discontinued or transferred away from Headquarters. It is patently unrealistic, though obtaining a public Headquarters could help substantially.'']</li>
<li>A direct mail project is recommended, with a letter to be sent to all members suggesting that book and ephemera collections and personal papers be donated to the Society
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<li>''Indicators of success: mailing sent on annual basis, mentions made three times annually in various publications.'' [''Note: ''[[August&aelig;um]]'' will publish such notices on request; the ''Omnibus'' will not as this falls outside its charter.'']</li>
<li>Public Relations
<ol type="A">
<li>Memberships in scholarly organizations [confirmed 2016-9]</li> <li>Board members attend relevant events and conventions, representing the Society [confirmed 2016-9]</li> <li>Work to promote and advertise those publications that would attract new members or inquiries [new 2016-9]</li>
<ol type="A">
<li>Suitable location to be found</li>
<li>Headquarters Building Chairman to be named and to assist in search [since changed to "Headquarters Building Chairman" to avoid confusion.]</li>
<li>Possible renovations or building maintenance to be performed before move in [''Note: Staff expect this to be a non-trivial expense, but a necessary one as it will be quite difficult to reach the walls, floors, and ceilings after move-in, and we would at the least need to replace acoustic tile ceilings. A possible grant to support this work has been identified.'']</li>
<li>Need for furniture, office supplies and equipment; budget tbd for these expenses [''Note: Most such items are already on hand.'']</li>