
Rule of the Company

26 bytes removed, 20:16, 16 March 2015
<li>It is the right and prerogative of any member of the Noble Company to propose for consideration by the Council any individuals of whom he has a personal and definite knowledge, and for whose suitability for membership he is willing to vouch, and in such form and manner as the Council may from time to time prescribe.</li>
<li>It is the prerogative of an affiliate to request transfer to another category should circumstances warrant it, as it will be the prerogative of a member to vary his category should the circumstances warrant it.</li>
<li>Upon admission and payment of dues, a [[Rose Certificate of Membership|Certificate of Rose Membership]] will be issued, together with the [[Rose Breast Badge|breast badge insignia]] of the Noble Company. There are no separate payments for the Certificate and badge.</li>
<li>Subject to the provisions of the rules herein:
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