
Order of the Augustan Eagle

25 bytes added, 21:31, 16 October 2021
/* Rule of the Order */ typo
<li>Membership in the Order is limited to 24 members.</li>
<li>Any qualified person admitted by the Chief of the Order will be a Member of the Order.</li>
<li>Individuals who have satisfied the following conditions: <ol type="A"> <li>Are members in good standing of The Augustan Society, Inc., and</li> <li>Have been members of The Augustan Society, Inc., for at least five years, and</li> <li>Have registered their arms with the Society, and</li> <li>Are Fellows First Class or better of the Augustan Society, Inc.,</li> </ol> may be admitted to Membership in the Order in the following classes, that is to say: <ol type="1"> <li>Life Members of the Order who, upon petition to the Order, will pay life dues.</li> <li>Annual Members who, upon petition and yearly thereafter, pay dues.</li> </ol> </li> 
<li>The expression &ldquo;Member&rdquo; or &ldquo;Members&rdquo; wherever used herein, will be deemed to refer to and include the above, except where such classes may be specifically and distinctly referred to.</li>
<li>The Chief of the Council of the Order, may also admit to the Order as Honorary Members and/or Patrons any such eminent individuals as he may deem fit to be accorded such honor.</li>