

137 bytes added, 16:10, 29 November 2022
/* Perfection */ clarify
<li>Checking for a replacement cost on Items not found there are listed as "&ldquo;rare".&rdquo;</li>
<li>Entering a full call number that includes such Cutter numbers as may be required to uniquely identify each item. This As spine labels are not yet being generated, it may involve assigning more specific Cutters be preferable to adjust the Cutters of other works. For example, if author Babcock is listed with B3, and author Bank is added, Babcock would be advanced to B33 and Bank to B35. It is expected that this shifting of Cutters will end once we have cataloged the bulk of the collection. It will certainly have to stop once spine lables start being created. Thereafter new Cutters will have to fit in around those existing without changes.</li>
<li>Confirm all added data conforms to standard formats. In future, it is hoped that authorized values will be created for many of these, but time pressure obliges us to move forward without with only a few of these at present.</li>