
Meeting in Chapter

30 bytes added, 02:36, 2 May 2018
Add NCR as possible charity
Attendance at '''Meetings in Chapter''' are intended to include all members of the Noble Company. Knights, Dames, and Esquires are welcomed, as are Honorary Knights, Honorary Dames, and Associates.
Those Knights, Dames, Esquires, and Associate members unable to attend are expected to send an "absence fee" to their church or a worthy charity. The Augustan Society has or the Noble Company of the Rose have been that charity for some members in some years, but there is neither requirement nor expectation that it one of these be the charity selected. The amount of the absence fee is determined by each member, but is normally expected to be greater than the annual oblation to the Noble Company.
No written history exists about the conduct of Meetings in Chapter, thus the Noble Company today is faced with building on what memories exist in the minds of senior members.