
Rose Roll of Arms

48 bytes added, 20:10, 25 June 2018
<li>Expenses for any new emblazonments required must be funded by The Noble Company of the Rose. They may ask that the price of the Roll be increased to reimburse them, or to publish only those arms where emblazonments exist in order to fund the production of those missing.</li>
<li>Expenses for marketing must be covered by the Noble Company of the Rose working in conjunction with the [[Marketing Committee]], save that &frac14;-page ads in ''The [[Augustan Omnibus|The Augustan Omnibus]]'' will be provided gratis on a space-available basis. They The [Editor-in-Chief]] may ask decide that the price of the Roll be increased to reimburse themthe Ad account.</li>
<li>Expenses for printing, binding, and distribution will be the responsibility of the Communications Department, who will set pricing accordingly, subject to such additions described above.</li>