
"Buy-A-Box" Fund

15 bytes added, 19:09, 5 April 2022
new reality
The purpose of the [["Buy-A-Box"]] Fund is to provide funding for cataloging and storage expenses, originally being the purchase of acid-free storage boxes, but now funding library shelving, bookends, shelf boxes, and such accessories.
The "Buy-A-Box" fundraiser advertises that for each $25 box "purchased" the Society would catalog one box of books and place them in safe storage. While "safe storage" has changed from acid-free boxes to steel library shelvingand back again, the principle is the same.
It is planned to continue the "Buy-A-Box" program until all books and other materials are cataloged and properly shelved. After that, there may be occasions to reopen the program if additional shelving or equipment is needed, though it may not continue the name.