Introduction to Vision

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The Augustan Society, Inc., being a non-profit, and the nature of a non-profit organization being what it is, and that nature being subject to wide swings of the pendulum from affluent to impoverished, from too many members to service to too few to govern, and from popularity of topic to social approbation, great effort must be expended in good times that the following bad times are not so bad as to terminate the organization.

It is also necessary that a clear view of where the organization wishes to be, what it wishes to become, and what its priorities are, is in hand and that such a vision is kept in mind, as it should drive all planning and programming, indeed the very structure of how the organization operates.

Neither of these is possible without articulating this vision. This document is a rough draft of such a vision; indeed it will always remain a rough draft, as change is the only constant. Care must be taken, however, that this change is organic, gradual, and serves the ends of the Society. Without such care, it will become "mission creep" and lead the organization to become something else.

Note please that the entire contents of the Centennial Vision is the musings and opinions of the Consuls. It does not have the endorsement of and may not reflect the opinions of the Board, Planning Committee, or any other Elected Officers or member of the Society. Consuls hope that it will be found a useful source of inspiration to those bodies and officers who are responsible for the vision, plan, and administration of the Society. At the least, it will perhaps help to explain all the many odd opinions held and actions taken by these Consuls as the work within the established plan to further their own version of the Society's vision.

This document has been subdivided due to length. In each section there are Proposals, along with the thinking supporting them. All Proposals are restated in the Vision Proposals.