Sub-Group Governance Committee

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The senior Sub-Groups of The Augustan Society, Inc., are each ruled by a Council composed of six members. These officers do not have clearly defined duties, and the resultant confusion has made the operation of each, and the administration of both, more difficult than it ought to be. As a result, the Administrator of the two groups has convened a Sub-Group Governance Committee to address the matter and to recommend what offices and titles properly deserve to be used, and to align the titles and duties of the two groups to the extent that's reasonable.

Membership in this committee consists of the Administrator and a representative of each group. One group named a representative, the other failed to do so and the Administrator named a representative for them.

Progress has been slow, but agreement has been reached on several points:

  1. Titles to be used will be addressed at the end of the process, with functions being addressed first.
  2. That each group deserves to be governed by a Council, and not by a single officer.
  3. That each group needs a chief, a vice-chairman who can step in at need, a secretary, and a treasurer.
  4. That at least the Noble Company of the Rose has unique functions that deserve unique officers; and perhaps the Order of the Augustan Eagle does as well.

Work continues at a slow pace, in part because neither group is presently active, and the responses have been slow in coming.

When work is completed and a new slate of officers for each Council is adopted, including job descriptions for each, the results will be presented to the two Councils for consideration (if they are able to meet), or to the Board for adoption, with consequent amendment to the Rules.