Sponsored Membership

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Sponsored Membership is available to certain members of The Augustan Society, Inc., who may be temporarily or permanently unable to pay their dues and other obligations.

Sponsorship is presently available to:

  • Fellows of the Society;
  • Those in Good Standing for all reasons not related to finances; and
  • Those who request sponsorship, and repeat the request annually at need.

That said, Sponsorship may be limited by the Budget. There is presently no Board policy on how to handle matters if the budget is insufficient to the need, but Headquarters Staff have adopted the pragmatic policy that preference is to be given according to the Warrant of Precedence. The practical effect of this is that those holding more senior Fellowships will receive sponsorship first.

Sponsorship will excuse the member from paying dues and assessments to the Society. The Order of the Augustan Eagle also offers sponsorship to their members who qualify for Society sponsorship, subject to the limits of their budget. The Noble Company of the Rose is considering the same policy.

Sponsored Members retain all Membership Privileges, including election to office.

The identity of the Sponsored Members will be kept confidential, with data provided only to Headquarters Staff on a need-to-know basis.

Sponsorship should be advertised in renewal materials, and the request for same must be received at Headquarters before the expiration of their membership. No grace period has been authorized by the Board, and Headquarters Staff are not authorized to extend clemency except for the usual exception for communication failures (slow mails, etc.).