Centennial Vision

Revision as of 17:20, 23 January 2015 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

Some feel it is important that The Augustan Society, Inc., has a vision of what it wants to become. In a perfect world, this would come first, and all other planning would be in service of that goal. In this world, the Board has shown indifference to such long-range plans, leaving Consuls to develop the program outlined below. They would welcome additional input, or the Board resuming this responsibility. The term "Centennial Vision" is adopted to avoid confusion with the Long-Range Plan or the Vision Statement, and because it would not surprise this writer if it took until at least 2057 to achieve.

A Centennial Vision for The Augustan Society, Inc.

  1. Introduction to Vision
  2. Physical Plant Vision
  3. Staff Vision
  4. Administrative Structure Vision
  5. Chivalry Vision
  6. Genealogy Vision
  7. Heraldry Vision


The History Department would engage in the following activities:

History Committee

The History Committee is composed of the History Chairman, the members of other committees assigned to the History Department, such members as the Chairman sees fit, and the President and Consuls as ex officio members.

The Chairman is named by the President and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Chairman, and serve at his pleasure.

All activities of the History Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the Board or Chairman has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility.

First Peoples Committee

Library Support

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will advise the Library Department in matters of accession, classification, and deaccession of materials on this subject.

Article Solicitation

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will solicit articles on this subject for the Omnibus, in cooperation with the Omnibus Editor.


The Nobility Department would engage in the following activities:

Royalty & Nobility Committee

The Royalty & Nobility Committee is composed of the Royalty & Nobility Chairman, the members of other committees assigned to the Royalty & Nobility Department, such members as he sees fit, and the President and Consuls as ex officio members.

The Chairman is named by the President and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Chairman, and serve at his pleasure.

All activities of the Royalty & Nobility Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the Board or Chairman has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility.

Recognition of fons honorum in support of chivalric and nobiliary recognitions

Recognition of nobility, including titles and postnominals

Recognition of personal nobility, not including titles and postnominals

Recognition of gentility

Maintaining a list of current fontes honorum (perhaps extending to reigning monarchs)

Library Support

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will advise the Library Department in matters of accession, classification, and deaccession of materials on this subject.

Article Solicitation

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will solicit articles on this subject for the Omnibus, in cooperation with the Omnibus Editor.


The Communications Department will produce print publications, online publications, reprints, back issues, web sites, and email services.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is composed of the Editor-in-Chief, the chairmen of other committees assigned to the Communications Department, such members as he sees fit, and the President and Consuls as ex officio members.

The Editor-in-Chief is named by the President and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Editor-in-Chief, and serve at his pleasure.

All activities of the Communications Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the Board or Editor-in-Chief has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility.


Augustæum is the members newsletter. By definition, it carries items that are not of enduring value, which should be sent to the Omnibus instead. It is intended to be published more frequently than the Omnibus, but may be mailed with it.

Presently, the frequency is bi-monthly, and the size is normally 4 pages, though occasionally 6 pages are printed. It is often accompanied by flyers, notices, and other publications, such as the Rose Newsletter.

Regular features include:

  • Announcements of new members, elections, appointments, honors, arms registrations, and recognitions.
  • "Library Top Ten", a list of ten items from the Library catalog that one member feels are of interest.
  • News of conventions, meetings, publications, fundraisers, and other programs
  • Help Wanted — an item advertising a particular post, not to be repeated for the following year plus one issue. (Thus a January notice in one year would not be repeated until March of the following year.)
  • Lists of donors to various campaigns, members of Sub-Groups, or senior members
  • If four pages are not filled, an Editorial.

In future, the frequency should be increased to monthly, but not at the cost of length. Four pages (or even six) mail for the same price as two, so that would be inefficient.

A survey should be conducted to test the level of interest in publishing this electronically, and a decision made about the value of devoting the time needed to reformat (versus publishing as a PDF file).

The Augustan Omnibus

The Augustan Society Roll of Arms

The Augustan Society Web Site

The Online Store Web Site

The Forum; an Online Forum

The Augustan Society Library Catalog

Back Issue Sales

Reprint Sales

Augustan Books

The Little Manual of Heraldry

A Continuation of Paget's Ancestry of the Prince of Wales

Vigil: A Knight's Training Program

Descents from Antiquity: A Study Kit

The Augustan Society Email System


The Library collection is and should remain publicly accessible. Presently, this means "by appointment", and mail loans have been banned by the Board.

We should have a goal of making the Library open on a reasonable schedule (sufficient to qualify for grants). Mail loans should be resumed as quickly as possible, though those should be limited to Augustans at first to see what reasonable rules and fees might be.

The collection should cover all five Augustan subjects, plus ancillary topics found useful, such as maps, style guides, and some general encyclopediae.

Long range goals for collection development should include:

  • Completing sets now held only in part (e.g.: one of several volumes)
  • Obtaining current editions of items held
  • Books and publications cited in Society publications (including affiliated publications such as JAMS)
  • Books and publications reviewed in Society publications
  • Books, articles, and theses written by Augustans
  • News articles and other material about Augustans

Library Committee

The Library Committee is composed of the Librarian, the members of other committees assigned to the Library, such members as the Librarian sees fit, and the President and Consuls as ex officio members.

The Librarian is named by the President (or Consuls Contract) and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Librarian, and serve at his pleasure.

All activities of the Library Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the Board or Librarian has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility.

Article Solicitation

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will solicit articles on this subject for the Omnibus, in cooperation with the Omnibus Editor.


While the operation of a museum is part of the Society's Mission Statement, it is felt that the operation of a legitimate museum that meets industry standards is beyond the Society's ability at this time, and that it may not actually further the core goals of the organization.

As a result, staff have recommended that the word "museum" be dropped from the Mission Statement and organization chart, and that the collection be purged of all items that are not felt useful for Headquarters decoration or in conveying the history of the Society.

Proceeds from any sales of surplussed items should be placed in the Investment Fund.

Museum Committee

The Museum Committee is composed of the Curator, the members of other committees assigned to the Museum Department, such members as the Curator sees fit, and the President and Consuls as ex officio members.

The Curator is named by the President (or Consuls Contract) and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Curator, and serve at his pleasure.

All activities of the Museum Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the Board or Curator has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility.

Article Solicitation

The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will solicit articles on this subject for the Omnibus, in cooperation with the Omnibus Editor.


Sub-Groups of the Society are of three types:

  1. Senior Sub-Groups
  2. Lineage Groups
  3. Unrelated groups

If the third items seems odd, it is because several organizations with related goals have been given to the Society, and others are widely associated with the Society due to having had common management during the time of our Founder.

Senior Sub-Groups

The senior sub-groups are distinguished by having a variety of requirements for entry, which in all cases now includes membership in the Society in-good-standing, registration of arms with the Society, an entry fee, insignia, and annual dues.

Order of the Augustan Eagle

Noble Company of the Rose

Hereditary Order of Armigerous Augustans

Lineage Groups

The lineage groups are distinguished by the requirements for entry, which do not include Augustan membership, and which do include lifetime membership, insignia, and in most cases a proven descent.

Society of Descendants of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

Society of Descendants of Ireland

Society of Descendants of Scotland

Society of Descendants of the Conquest

Unrelated Groups

Association of Knights Bachelor

International Chivalric Institute

Heraldry Society of the USA

Octavian Society

Royal Association of Knights Bachelor

Last modified on 23 January 2015, at 17:20