Genealogist Fee

Revision as of 14:57, 28 July 2016 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

The Genealogy Committee of The Augustan Society, Inc., conducts reviews of lineages submitted, either independently or more often as qualification for membership in one of the Society's Lineage Groups.

As there are expenses associated with such work, it is appropriate that a fee be charged. It has been determined that the fee will be per generation, inclusive of first and last.

The amount of this fee is to be based on the amount of time it takes to conduct such reviews (per generation), multiplied by the prevailing Federal Minimum Wage (the same constant used for credits under the Fellowship program).

As a result, Headquarters Staff need to collect and record the amount of time and number of generations for each review done. This can be complicated at times by lineages which are not provable; how exactly to resolve this has been set aside until we have more examples.

To ensure that this data is collected, no lineage may be recorded or used to qualify for a lineage group without this information being submitted to Headquarters Staff.

It is expected that the average cost/generation be calculated and the fee adjusted annually, and whenever the minimum wage changes.

Last modified on 28 July 2016, at 14:57