Investment Manager

Revision as of 16:41, 30 July 2016 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

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The Augustan Society, Inc., having an Investment Fund of significance, necessarily needs an Investment Manager to prudently invest the monies deposited there, and to arrange for timely withdrawals as the Budget and urgent events require. As the office of Treasurer is largely political and theoretically temporary, it may be prudent that this duty be assigned to someone with some expertise in the field who might continue in office as Treasurers come and go.

Given the sensitive nature of the duties, it is appropriate that this officer be nominated by the Treasurer an then elected by the Board, with the election being repeated annually. While nominally reporting to the Treasurer for most affairs, this officer would thus be responsible to the Board as a whole.

The duties of the Investment Manager include:

  • To recommend investment policy for review by the Finance Committee and approval by the Board;
  • To serve as a member of the Finance Committee;
  • To actively manage the funds deposited in the Investment Fund, selecting specific instruments, which may include managed funds;
  • To provide general financial reports to the Board and Treasurer annually, and as they may request;
  • To provide full details of the investments as the Treasurer or Audit Committee may request;
  • To offer long-term projections of the balance of the Investment Funds under various policies as requested; and
  • Such other duties as the Treasurer may assign.

As this is an elected position, the Investment Manager may not appoint assistants or delegate his work to others.

When this office is vacant, the Treasurer shall perform these duties, though he may delegate work to trusted and willing members of Headquarters Staff.

When this office is vacant and the Treasurer is unwilling or unable to perform these duties Headquarters Staff may undertake them as best they may with monthly reports to the Board.

Last modified on 30 July 2016, at 16:41