Order of the Augustan Eagle

Revision as of 11:58, 21 September 2014 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

Aims of the Noble Company of the Rose

The Order of the Augustan Eagle was established to serve as the court of honor of The Augustan Society, Inc. This body has also been charged with setting the privileges of the members of the Society and establishing the order of precedence. The members of the Order of the Augustan Eagle will sit annually to conduct their business. Members use the postnominals "OAE" within the Society and do not use FAS as that is a prerequisite. It is appropriate that they continue to use the postnominals "FAS" for all purposes outside the Society.

Note: This group is not an order of chivalry, nor should any claim to such be countenanced.


Prerequistes to Membership in the Order are:

  1. Membership in good standing in the Society
  2. Fellowship, first class or better
  3. Personal arms registered with the Society
  4. Appointment by the President

Membership is limited to 24 members, plus the President.

Membership will be terminated upon:

  1. Resignation, which must be in writing, including email
  2. Failure to pay annual dues for two consecutive years


The insignia of the OAE is a collar of eighteen eagles Sable with gold links and the shield of the Society arms pendant from a disk of the Medal of Membership as shown to the right.

The arms of the Order are shown to the left.


These six senior officers sit as the Council of the Order:

  1. Chief of the Order, who is at all times the President of the Society
  2. Grand Marshal
  3. Grand Chancellor
  4. Vice-Chancellor
  5. Secretary General
  6. Receiver General

These additional junior officers are off-Council positions:

  1. Administrator, who is generally the Assistant Secretary of the Society
  2. Assistant Receiver General, who is generally the Assistant Treasurer of the Society

The Order operates under a Charter and Rule of the Order granted by the Board of Directors.

Last modified on 21 September 2014, at 11:58