
Annual Report

55 bytes added, 19:45, 29 May 2017
<li>Name of the Chairman, Dean, Coordinator, or other officer reporting;</li>
<li>Name of the Vice-Chairman, if any, ; and the length of time that office has stood vacant, if not;</li>
<li>A list of the current members of the group, with any non-member consultants identified as such;</li>
<li>A summary of the achievements of the group in the past year, with particular attention to methods of measurement(numerical measurements are desirable), and comparison to at least one previous such prior yeardata as may be available;</li>
<li>A summary of work in progress (projects begun, but not yet finished), with a projection of the completion dates for each;</li>
<li>A list of things needed to accomplish the above tasks, including budget allocations, policy changes, personnel, and others;</li>
<li>Recommended policies policy changes or other actions to be taken by the Board; and</li>
<li>Such other comments and questions as may seem appropriate.</li>
Clearly, some of these items will not be appropriate for all groups, and may thus be omitted.
Reports do not need to be long, and it's only the busiest groups that can justify a report longer than a single page (about 1000 words). That said, groups with such a large amount of activity should not fear submitting a longer report, though the Assistant Secretary may choose to edit for length.
Chairmen are encouraged to contact the [[HeadquartersAssistant Secretary]] to ensure that they have a complete list of the tasks assigned to them.
Incomplete reports are likely to result in a call for an immediate updateby the [[President]].
Missing reports '''Failure to submit an Annual Report will be taken as the resignation of the responsible officer. ''' Reappointment is possible, but only after a report has been submitted.
Vice-Chairmen should therefore be copied on these reports, and the wise Vice-Chairman will submit prepare a contingency report to be published submitted in the event the Chairman fails to submitdo so.
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