
Appointed Officers

36 bytes added, 22:16, 8 February 2015
:::*''[[Facebook Moderator]]''
:*''[[Librarian]]''::*''[[Assistant Librarian]]'':*''[[Museum Curator]]''::*''[[Assistant Museum Curator]]''
:*[[Dean of the Society of Descendants of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem]]
:*''[[Dean of the Society of Descendants of Ireland]]''
:*[[Dean of the Society of Descendants of the Conquest]]
*[[Secretary]] elected by and from the Board
:*''[[Assistant Secretary]] elected by the Board on the Secretary's nomination'':*''[[Superintendent of Insignia]]''
*[[Treasurer]] elected by and from the Board
:*''[[Assistant Treasurer]] elected by the Board on the Treasurer's nomination''
:*[[Assistant Treasurer for Budgeting]]
:*''[[Investment Manager]]''
*[[Chief of the Order of the Augustan Eagle]] always the President
:*[[Eagle Grand Marshall]]
:*[[Eagle Receiver General]]
::*''[[Eagle Assistant Receiver General]]''
:*''[[Eagle Administrator]] one of the [[Consuls]] by contract''
*[[Magister Rosae]] elected by the Noble Company, confirmed by the Board
:*[[Lieutenant Magister Rosae]]
:*''[[Rose Chancellor]]''
:*[[Superintendent of the Chapel of the Rose]]
:*''[[Rose Administrator]]'' one of the [[Consuls]] by contract''
:*[[Rose Training Officer]]