
Assistant Webmaster for the Store

3 bytes added, 01:09, 8 August 2016
The Augustan Society, Inc., maintains a number of websites. In order to "divide and conquer" the task of maintaining them, each is assigned it's own Assistant Webmaster. The Store website is hosted at <[ RimuHosting]> and is assigned to the [['''Assistant Webmaster for the Store]]'''.
The Assistant Webmaster for the Store is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the [[Webmaster]]. He is granted full access to the site, which unavoidably includes access to the [[Library Catalog]] and the [[Staff Wiki]]. While he has the ability to grant access to others, this should be done only by authority of the Webmaster. The website address is <[]>.
The Assistant Webmaster may change the architecture of the site after consultation with the Webmaster. He may also recommend the creation of a replacement site, should he feel that appropriate.