AugustanBoard YahooGroup

In order to facilitate discussions among the Directors, Elected Officers, select Committee Chairmen, and Headquarters Staff of The Augustan Society, Inc., a Yahoo Group named "AugustanBoard" has been created and placed under the administration of the Assistant Secretary.

Users are reminded that the contents of messages posted here are to be kept confidential.

Directors are reminded that they may not vote or call for support of any motion likely to come before the Board. Such is improper and possibly illegal when done outside a properly called meeting.

For the reason above, the poll feature of this site is not to be used.

At present, the President has directed that this board be disabled and all subscriptions other than the Assistant Secretary deleted. This will avoid any incorrect presumption of utility, and permit rapid reactivation should some future President deem this worthwhile.

Last modified on 8 December 2016, at 17:54