

37 bytes added, 21:03, 16 July 2017
/* Board Membership */
The Board is constrained in its actions by the [[By-Laws]], Florida state law, and the [[Standing Rules]], notwithstanding that they can amend, repeal, or waive the Standing Rules with a majority vote.
The Board elects all Society [[Elected Officers|Officers]], senior and junior, and confirms the election of [[Sub-Groups|Sub-Group]] senior offices(but not [[Study Group Coordinators]].
While the Board may create an ad hoc committee consisting of Directors (and others, ex officio), they may not select committee chairmen or committee members. The former are appointed by the [[President]], the latter by the respective committee chairmen.
Exceptions to the above occur when the [[President]] lacks full confidence in a committee chairman, in which case he may reserve the right to confirm appointments by an explicit condition of his appointment.