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/* Honorarium */
The honorarium was set at $2 for 2007, doubling each year thereafter. In practice it has been increasing in a 1-2-5 sequence, thus the ninth year of the contract will be $1000 each rather than $512. This has been done with the knowledge and agreement of the Board. Consuls plan to revert to multiples of two, effective with 2017.
The logic for the exponential honorarium is that at the time the first contract was signed, $2 was a significant fraction of Society reserves. The predictable increases were intended to give the Society both the incentive and the time needed to obtain a Headquarters outside the Consuls' home; not to impoverish or take over the Society (though should this continue, that would be the effect). Consuls will negotiate lower or no increases if the Board demonstrates concrete progress toward the goal of an independent Headquarters facility.