
Genealogy Vision

14 bytes added, 01:48, 15 January 2016
/* Lineage Committee */
'''Proposal: The Society should maintain and publish a [[Standard Format for Lineages]], and oblige petitions for review to adhere to that format when written, or to GED format when submitted digitally.'''
Note please a distinction here between "approving" and "certifying" a lineage. The former means our confidence is sufficient in the lineage as a whole to admit someone to membership in a [[Sub-Groups|Sub-Group]]. The latter means the Society places our reputation behind each item (excepting those events happening after 1940 , for which documentation is not offeredrequested).
'''Proposal: The Society should publish in a suitable form those lineages that have been certified. Such to redact most data more recent than the latest release of US Census data (presently 1940).'''