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2 bytes added, 22:08, 15 March 2015
First, that our [[Founder]] left the Society with essentially no instructions on how it operated. He kept most procedures and policies in his head (and changed them as he saw fit). Thus the second management team had to invent all from scratch, a job much more difficult that it needed to be. Please have pity on your successors, and upon mine. If you cannot muster that, then have pity on the Society itself, which only just survived the first interregnum (so far) and may not endure another.
Second, I would offer a quotation from John F. Woods, a computer programmer from the late 20th century, who advised, "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." This is the same message stated a bit more (perhaps too) strongly — that you should leave such careful instructions, and explanations for those instructions, that those who follow will never have reason to curse your namememory.