
Non-Member Consultants

0 bytes added, 18:19, 28 August 2020
The [[Board]] has now banned the appointment of non-member consultants. Those who were members of [[Committees]] at the time the ban took effect are ''grandfathered'' in, and may continue to serve for the tenure of the [[Chairman]].
Unlike Augustans, non-member consultants' tenure expires when the [[Chairman ]] leaves office. The new [[Chairman]] will have to obtain leave from the [[Board]] to continue such non-member consultants in office, if desired.
Augustan members must constitute the majority of all [[Committees]] at all times. Should that happen through attrition or otherwise, said Committee will be barred from making recommendations on [[Board]] recognition, registration, or approval or certification of lineages until that balance is corrected. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Committee to appoint new members or to dismiss non-member consultants.