

146 bytes added, 17:28, 27 September 2015
/* Email Forwarding */
==Email Forwarding==
The Email Forwarding system is presently housed on the Society's virtual server at the Dallas RimuHosting site. It , and must be accessed remotely. It consists primarily of a list in '/etc/postfix/virtual'. Once edited, 'postfix /etc/postfix/virtual ' must be run. There is a macro called "'emailmaint" ' that launches the file in 'nano ' and then runs 'postfix ' to make sure all is done.
The structure of the file is that each line may list an email address followed by one or more addresses to which mail received for the first is forwarded. If a line starts with a space, tab, or #, it is considered a comment. The first address must be separated from the second by a space or tab. The second address must be separated from any others by a comma (and no space or tab). Addressing may be recursive; that is, one address may forward to another Society address, as when <> forwards to <> (and others), which in turn forwards to the current chairman <>, before finally being forwarded to the member's personal email.
The file has been organized into four sections:
# By group, department, and committee -- .ORG addresses are found here;
# By the names of members and other participatns participants -- .NET addresses are found here;# Spam sections, organized by year years collected -- these are forwarded to a "bit bucket"; and# Catchall to direct mail to the all three Society domains that are not found above, which route to the Postmaster for resolution.
Notices of appointments to office should be copied to the Postmaster so that he can make appropriate changes to this file. Note please that the first section should only forward to other .ORG addresses or to .NET member addresses, not directly to a private email address. Such private addresses should only be forwarded to in the second section.
The Postmaster should be given sufficient access to the [[Membership Database]] that he can view, edit, and delete the email addresses of members and others listed there. He should also be given notice of new members, but it is not required that all members be listed in the second section. Present practice is to add them only when they are appointed to an office and might thus need a listing, or upon request. They are not routinely removed if they drop all offices.
When a member drops outsomeone discontinues their membership, or when a non-member contributor ends his relationship, they should immediately be removed from citations in the first section, but left in the second section for at least a month. An obvious exception is when an individual dies, or is forcibly ejected from the Society, in which case they should be removed immediately.
The Spam section is probably the largest of these. To date, it's been the habit of the Postmaster to delete the oldest spam address each time he edits this file. New invalid addresses used only for spam are added as spam is received to them, usually daily.
The Society receives a very substantial amount of spam. Going through this to pluck out the few valid messages takes about ten minutes per day. The Postmaster is expected to do this nearly daily, with backups (or the Webmaster) being asked to cover for any extended absence.
==Email Server & Spam Filter==