

51 bytes added, 15:41, 5 August 2016
change spam processing
* Making regular reports to the Webmaster as requested or as seems appropriate; and
* Making an Annual Report to the [[Board]] each July, or as requested.
==Email Forwarding==
When someone discontinues their membership, or when a non-member contributor ends his relationship, they should immediately be removed from citations in the first section, but left in the second section for at least a month. An obvious exception is when an individual dies, or is forcibly ejected from the Society, in which case they should be removed immediately.
The Spam section is probably the largest of these. To date, it's been the habit of the Postmaster to delete the oldest spam address each time he edits this file. New invalid addresses used only for spam are added as spam is received to them, usually daily.
The Society receives a very substantial amount of spam. Going through this to pluck out the few valid messages takes more than 10% of the webmaster's hours. He is presently working on an improved spam filter to reduce this burden. The Postmaster is expected to do this nearly daily, with backups (or the Webmaster) being asked to cover for any extended absence.
==Email Server & Spam Filter==
At present, forwarded email is filtered using SpamAssassin, and those with a failing score are flagged as spam. Unfortunately they are still delivered, which means that recipients still have to filter or delete them locally. Staff are looking into ways to improve on this. It has been proposed that the Society should build our own email server, rather than relying solely upon a forwarder. It has also been proposed that what's really needed is just with a spam filter attached to the existing forwarder. This is the primary technical question for the Postmaster at this time.
Once a decision is reached, it will be up to the Postmaster to implement such a system, or to hire it done, as authorized by the Budget.
Reporting to the Webmaster is expected to be fairly rare. No reports need be made of statistics, new spam sources, or other problems that can be handled without Webmaster involvement. They should be made when the Webmaster has questions, proposals for significant change, or challenges he cannot surmount in a reasonable time. This particulary particularly includes a shortage of drive space or other capacity problems.
[[Annual Reports ]] to the Board each July may be pro-forma, unless major change is proposed, such as installing an Email Server, which news need not wait for the annual report cycle. The [[Webmaster]] may call for Annual Reports in June to permit him to consolidate them for his July report.