
SOS 2007

4 bytes removed, 21:23, 22 December 2017
/* Is Our Society a Cult? Should it Be? */
But the money realized from the sale of that first Villa Augusti is again in hand, though still with the capital-only restriction. We can again purchase a building, especially in this economy, but this time we must take care that we do not buy an inefficient building, nor one we cannot afford to operate indefinitely.
To effect this plan will require two champions, two groups if possible. The first must begin fund raising in earnest. By this I do not mean an expansion or continuation of the [[Annual Fundraiser]]. This has too long been an artificial dues override, and once our current goal is reached, it will be retired.
No, we need fundraising to go find us another $300,000 that we can invest and use the interest to fund the upkeep of our new Villa. This will be hard, as there’s just no “sex” in donations to pay for the water bill. But it is a task that must precede our purchase, and it must begin years in advance.