
SOS 2008

4 bytes removed, 22:47, 6 October 2017
/* delivered Saturday 23 August 2008 */
<li>Matching price to cost of goods and services will permit all programs to be self-supporting (after unfunded liabilities are discharged). The market appears willing to bear the fair cost of our offerings. Note please that our normal prices are designed to have a 50% markup, except for subscriptions which are priced at cost presently—something we should probably look at.</li>
<li>The “unfunded liabilities” mentioned above are those obligations we have taken on without preserving the funds to provide them. This includes obvious issues like unfilled subscriptions, but also less obvious matters such as members who paid dues during the interregnum, but for whom we may not have received the funds. It is to cover these liabilities and other transition expenses that we are conducting this year's [[Annual Fundraiser]]. Should we ever obtain the missing financial records, it may be possible to put a solid price on these costs, and the Annual Fundraiser target may be adjusted based on that value.</li>