
SOS 2009

2 bytes removed, 21:00, 16 October 2017
One prime example of this is the Renewal Reminders we send out. While their design is based on the forms previously used, we have worked hard to personalize each, advising which payments might be due, which may be paid in advance, and advertising only those Insignia to which we believe the recipient is entitled. [The press of time has eliminated this feature.] Clearly, much more work remains to be done in this field, but it may serve to demonstrate that computers, when thoughtfully applied to such routine duties, can render great aid to staff and member alike.
One tradition that was honored somewhat intermittently in the past is that of communications. We feel strongly that regular communications from [[Headquarters]] is essential — particularly while we resume activities — as the Newsletter will often be the only contact most members have. Sadly, very few members have taken the opportunity to reply, despite repeated invitations. We would very much prefer that the Newsletter were a conversation rather than an oration, but this has been very difficult to initiate. In the past, we had special publications like the [[ICI Members’ Members' Newsletter]] which was created almost entirely from members’ submissions. I should like nothing better than for our Newsletter to become more like that. Perhaps a change of name would help? [The newsletter is now titled ''[[Augustæum]]''.]
[[Founder|Sir Rodney]] was also fond of sending of brief notes, sharing research finds, connecting members to one another, and such. Alas, he never kept copies, so we know of this only from the thankful replies he received, which were many. For your [[Consuls]] [or Headquarters Staff]] to resume this sort of correspondence will require us to gather large quantities of data about our members and their topics of study. Our own ignorance in some fields would still limit our ability in this field, but such raw data would give us a start. Perhaps we can find a member skilled in the creation of [[Member Interest Survey|surveys]] to help us collect this data.