
SOS 2010

1 byte added, 02:38, 2 January 2018
Our publications program is making very slow progress, but it is interesting that the average size of submissions has been growing. Were the total pages of submissions growing as well we would be on the road to restoration of our quarterly frequency. We also continue to suffer from a shortage of editors, with only one who can be relied upon to produce.
The grant received for cataloging our [[Library]] collection is a great boon, but also a great burden, as we must divert manpower and attention to that project sufficient to justify the gift. Sadly, as generous as it is, it seems insufficient to support the rental of space outside the Consuls’ Metcalfs’ home. That said, it is a most worthy project that will return the efforts devoted many times over.
A small number of committees are doing good work at the speed appropriate to the situation. All could stand an infusion of additional active members. Our [[Main Website|Website]], poor though it is in many ways, is still doing more to attract new members, promote sales, and “show the flag” than even I expected.