
Style Manual

59 bytes added, 00:20, 24 July 2016
*Acronyms composed of initials shall omit periods — thus USA, FAS, PhD.
*Notes shall be numbered sequentially throughout each article.
*Footnotes go at the bottom of columns, not grouped at the bottom of the page. [Note: This is not possible easily done with present software.]
*If footnotes are used with a Bibliography, the footnotes shall be in brief format, "Author, Year, p. 00" with full details in the Bibliography.
*Notes are referenced by numerals within square brackets in text &mdash; [1], not superscript <sup>1</sup>.
*Do not use double spaces; condense them all to single spaces.
*Do not place spaces at the start or end of paragrahs.
*Do not use spaces for formatting. Use indent or tabs if required.
*Do not put blank lines between paragraphs.
*When inserting a parenthetical phrase, any following comma goes outside the parentheses.
*When a parenthetical phrase at the end of a sentence is itself a whole sentence, place the period for the main sentence at it's end (before the parentheses), and place the period for the parenthetical sentence within the parentheses.
==Citation Standards==