
Sub-Groups Vision

3 bytes added, 22:03, 13 June 2016
/* Order of the Augustan Eagle */
'''Proposal: The [[Eagle Council]] should be called to meet not less than quarterly until the [[Five-Year Plan]] stabilizes.'''
In recent years, most participation by [[Eagle Council]] members has been via proxy, despite the meetings being held via teleconference, largely negating the value of their offices.
'''Proposal: The [[Order of the Augustan Eagle]] should repeal the provision of the [[Rule of the Order]] that permits proxies at meetings.'''
The Order has, at times, been unable to appoint enough Council members to muster a quorum. It has been suggested that standards be lowered at such times to permit contniued operation.
'''Proposal: The [[Order of the Augustan Eagle]] should maintain its standards for membership, even if that might mean periods of dormancy result.'''
At present, there are not enough members of the Eagle Council to attain a quorum, and the Order is operating under the [[Eagle Administrator]] until such time as a quorum is again possible.