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=2014 Contract=
=2014 Contract=
The Board of Directors of the Augustan Society, Inc., does hereby name Bruce A. Metcalf and Marta Metcalf to be [[Consuls]] of the Society for the year 2014.
The Board of Directors of the Augustan Society, Inc., does hereby name Bruce A. Metcalf and Marta Metcalf to be [[Consuls]] of the Society for the year 2014.

Revision as of 15:27, 3 September 2014

2014 Contract


The Board of Directors of the Augustan Society, Inc., does hereby name Bruce A. Metcalf and Marta Metcalf to be Consuls of the Society for the year 2014.

The duties of these Consuls shall be to jointly and separately manage and conduct the affairs of the Society during their term. The scope of such management and conduct to include all customary duties of administration not reserved to the Board or various Officers by Law, by the Society’s By-Laws, or by Custom, notwithstanding that the Board and Officers may delegate certain of their duties to the Consuls from time to time. Such duties may be performed personally, by volunteers, by paid labor, or by contract as they find appropriate.

Specific duties shall include personal attendance by at least one Consul at each meeting of the Board and Executive Committee. One or both will serve as: Editor-in-Chief of the Society’s publications, Administrator for all Society subgroups, Librarian, and Museum Director. They will contract for such services as may be required, and hold themselves available for communications with the Directors and other Officers of the Society at reasonable times, and holding themselves available for communications with members of the Society as often as may be convenient. It is agreed that this list is neither comprehensive nor exclusive, and that the Board and Consuls may add, modify, or delete duties as the needs of the Society dictate. The Board may also adopt from time to time policies, priorities, and procedures to direct the activities of the Consuls.

The title of Consul not being widely understood outside the Society, the Consuls may style themselves as appropriate for various communications, with preference given to “Executive Director”. Titles such as Business Manager, Director of Finance, Agent, Editor-in-Chief, and the like may be employed as appropriate, subject to the delegation of such titles to others.

In recognition of their performance of these duties since 2006, Consuls shall receive an honorarium in the amount of $200.00 each. They shall be reimbursed for such expenses as they incur for the benefit of the Society, within the limits of budgets and policies established by the Board, in the manner defined by established procedures. They may also be reimbursed for the cost of commuting from their home to Society headquarters, should that cost exceed the sum of their honoraria.

The Society and the Consuls shall indicate their consent to this agreement by affixing the signatures of the President of the Society and the Consuls below. The appointment of Consulship shall begin on the first day of 2014 and shall continue through the last day of that year, save that the Board and each Consul may terminate their Consulship upon 30 days notice to the others, or upon no notice if done for just cause. The effective date of this contract will be the end date of any prior contracts.