Brand Style Guide

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As the public image of The Augustan Society, Inc., is an important asset, it is appropriate to create a Brand Style Guide to specify the public image that will be presented to the world, including particularly the use of the Society's arms, badge, and other insignia and logos.

In all cases, a color rendering is preferred. Black & white renderings may be used when color is unavailable, and should be a dedicated B&W emblazonment, not the color version displayed in shades of grey.

  1. Arms—The full arms of the Society are to be used on official documents, such as certificates, and on any document that has been approved by the Board of Directors. The image shall be in full color when possible, and as large as practicable, given the purpose of the document. In no case shall the size be smaller than 1-inch high.
  2. Shield—The shield of the full arms of the Society are to be used on documents published by the Society that are official in nature, but which have not specifically been authorized by the Board, such as letterhead for the Society and Society officers. It is not to be used when the sub-group or officer has their own arms (by which is meant arms of the committee, not arms of the individual). It is normally placed in the top left corner, two inches high, and in full color where possible.
  3. Badge—The badge of the Society is to be used on the cover and masthead of periodicals published by the Society, and on new editions of periodicals published by other groups who have been given to the Society. This applies to reprints, and to issues that predate this Style Guide. Color is to be used where practicable, and the badge shall be in the upper right corner, 1.8 inches high, with 0.2" blank space to the left and 0.1" blank space below.
  4. Sub-Groups
    1. Order of the Augustan Eagle—The full Arms of the OAE are used on documents that have been approved by the Eagle Council or the Chief of the Order acting alone. The Shield of the OAE is to be used in official, but less important ways, such as stationery, in a manner similar to the use of the Society shield above. The Badge of the OAE is to be used as insignia, and as an abbreviated logo when a full shield would not be suitable.
    2. Noble Company of the rose—The full Arms of the NCR are used on documents that have been approved by the Rose Council or the Magister Rosae acting alone. The Shield of the NCR is to be used in official, but less important ways, such as stationery, in a manner similar to the use of the Society shield above. The Badge of the NCR is to be used as insignia, and as an abbreviated logo when a full shield would not be suitable.
    3. Lineage Societies—These are:
      1. Society of Descendants of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
      2. Society of Descendants of Ireland
      3. Society of Descendants of Scotland
      4. Society of Descendants of the Conquest
      5. Society of Descendants of Hispania
      6. Proposed Society of Descendants of the Vikings
      The full Arms (which consist of only the shield) of the individual groups shall be used on documents that have been approved by the Dean of such group or the ruling council, when one exists. The Badge of the groups shall be used as insignia, on letterhead, and as an abbreviated logo when a full shield would not be suitable.
  5. Periodicals—Each of the Society's periodicals has a unique logo (or should), including the Badge of the Society in the upper right with a distinguishing logo overlaid to the lower left. Except as identified below, these are to be in the upper right corner of the cover, two inches high (or two inches wide, if that's smaller), with 0.2" of space to the left and 0.1" space below.
    1. The Augustan Omnibus—The cover of this publication shall have the badge in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high, with 0.2" of space to the left and 0.1" of space below. The badge may be repeated in an internal masthead (usually page 3). The Arms of the Society may be used on the masthead if such page as lists the officers of the Society at the time of publication (usually page 2).
    2. Augustæum—The cover of this publication shall have the coin of the Society at the upper left and the Badge of the Society on the upper right, with the title, motto, issue number, and date between them, with spacing as seems reasonable. It is not possible to be more specific as this is now an electronic publication.
    3. Augustæum Reprints— The cover of paper reprints or offprints of this publication shall have the Coin of the Society in the upper left corner of the cover, the Badge of the Society in the upper right corner of the cover, both between one inch and 1.8" high, with 0.2" of space toward the center of the page. If placed on a colored panel, spacing on the other three sides shall be 0.1".
    4. Augustan Society Information Bulletin—Like The Augustan Omnibus.
    5. The Augustan Society Omnibus—Like The Augustan Omnibus.
    6. The Augustan—Like The Augustan Omnibus.
    7. The Augustan Quarterly—Like The Augustan Omnibus.
    8. The Beetle Gazette—Not a Society publication, so reprints should not have any Society insignia. Revised editions shall show the Badge of the Society on the copyright page.
    9. Be-Ne-Lux Genealogist
    10. Çhivalry
    11. The Colonial Genealogist
    12. ¿Cuestiones?—Reprints of the original editions do not have any Society insignia. Revised editions shall show the logo of the Spanish-American Genealogist in the upper right corner of the cover, two inches high (or two inches wide, if smaller), with 0.2" space to the left and 0.1" space below. The Badge of the Society shall appear on the copyright page.
    13. Eastern & Central European Genealogist
    14. Egyptoloty Study Group
    15. The English Genealogist
    16. Forebears—Like The Augustan Omnibus.
    17. The French Genealogist
    18. Genealogical Library Journal
    19. The Germanic Genealogist
    20. Heraldry
    21. ICI Members' Newsletter—Not originally a Society publication, reprints shall carry the logo of the International Chivalric Institute. Edited reprints shall carry the ICI logo as above, and the Badge of the Society on the copyright page.
    22. The Irish Genealogist
    23. The Italian Genealogist
    24. Journal of Ancient & Medieval Studies—Not originally a Society publication, reprints shall carry no logo, as the Octavian Society never adopted one. Edited reprints shall carry no logo on the cover, and the Badge of the Society on the copyright page.
    25. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Studies
    26. Journal of Heraldic Studies
    27. The Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy
    28. Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the USA—Not originally a Society publication, reprints shall carry the arms of the HSUSA on the cover in a convenient location and size. Edite reprints shall have the same cover art, and the Badge of the Society on the copyright page.
    29. Newsletter of the Octavian Society—Not originally a Society publication, reprints shall carry no logo, as the Octavian Society never adopted one. Edited reprints shall carry no logo on the cover, and the Badge of the Society on the copyright page, notwithstanding that this may be the cover.
    30. Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter—The Badge of the Company (the rose) shall be on the upper left corner of the cover, two inches high, with 0.2" space to the right and 0.1" space below. The title, motto, issue number, and date shall be to the right of the Badge.
    31. Normaendene
    32. Plymouth Colony Genealogist
    33. Rosarum—The Badge of the Company (the rose) shall be on the upper left corner of the cover, two inches high, with 0.2" space to the right and 0.1" space below. The title, motto, issue number, and date shall be to the right of the Badge.
    34. The Royalist—Reprints may be sent as is, as they pre-date the creation of Society arms. Edited reprints shall have the badge of the Society on the cover in a convenient location and size.
    35. The Scottish GenealogistReprints and new editions shall have the logo of The Scottish Genealogist in the uper right corner of the cover, two inches high (or two inches wide, if smaller), with 0.2" space to the left and 0.1" space below. The Badge of the Society shall appear on the copyright page.
    36. The Spanish Genealogist
  6. Web sites—Web sites are problematic, as it's not possible to control either the size or resolution of images. Reasonable efforts shall be made to select sizes and resolutions that will be legible in the widest possible array of displays.
    1. Main Web Site (CitySoft)—The main web site of the Society shall have the Badge of the Society displayed prominently at the top of each page in a size sufficient to permit reading the text thereon at reasonable resolutions. A favicon of a black eagle on gold shall be used.
    2. Online Store—The web site of the Society's Online Store shall have the Badge of the Society displayed prominently at the top of each page in a size sufficient to permit reading the text thereon at reasonable resolutions. At present, the badge is shown as Argent on Sable. This should be changed to the proper tinctures as soon as practicable. A favicon of a black eagle on green shall be used.
    3. Staff Wiki—As the Staff Wiki is not presently an official publication of the Society, it should not have any Society insignia upon it. If adopted by the Board, it should have the Badge of the Society displayed prominently at the top of each page in a size sufficient to permit reading the text theron at reasonable resolutions. A favicon of a black eagle on silver should be used.
    4. Augustan Library Catalog—The web site of the Augustan Library Catalog shall have the Badge of the Society displayed at the top of each page in as large a size as may be practicable. Consideration should be given to using the logo of the Library instead (the Badge of the Society debruised by a stack of books). A favicon of a black eagle on blue should be used.
  7. Social Media sites—Social media sites, not being fully within the control of the Society, should adapt as needed. Preferable is to have the Badge of the Society used at the top of each page in sufficient resolution. The Arms of the Society shall not be used. Specifications for specific sites are given below:
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. LinkTree
    4. YouTube
  8. Email—Adding insignia to email is impractical, but each should bear in the signature the name of the sender, their office, and the phrase "The Augustan Society, Inc." This may be abbreviated in a continued conversation with a known correspondent, but must be restated each time the Subject line changes (save for the addition of Re, Fwd, or their equivalents).
  9. Letters—Letters should be sent on letterhead, which shall include the shield of the Society, or of the Committee or Sub-Group responsible in the upper left corner, two inches high with 0.2" space to the right and 0.1" space below. The name of the Society, the name of the Committee or Sub-Groups, a mailing address for reply, and the main web site and general email address of the Society (presently <> and <>).
  10. Brochures—Brochures advertising membership or products of the Society shall have the Arms of the Society on the front and Badge of the Society on the back, with sizes appropriate to the layout, but at sufficient resolution to permit legibility. Note that this will require brochures to be approved by the Board.
  11. Books
    1. Hardcover Original—Books published by the Society in hardcover will have 3/4 buckram binding in gold (with leeway granted when such isn't readily available), spine in black, and the author, title, and publisher embossed or printed in gold. Endpapers are to be a faint rendition of or gutty de sang. Additional details are presently under development.
    2. Hardcover Reprint or Rebound—Books published by others that are reprinted or rebound by the Society or Library in hardcover are to be 3/4 buckram binding in black, spine in gold (with leeway granted with such sin't readily available), and the author, title, and publisher embossed or printed in black. Endpapers may either be copies of the original endpapers or a design appropriate to the volume. Rebound books that are out of copyright may use the endpapers specified for original books.
    3. Softcover Original—Subjec to review, the cover shall carry the name of the Society as "The Augustan Society, Inc." The copyright page shall have the Badge of the Society at least 10% of the hight of the page or larger if needed for legibility. Ideally, the cover will be printed full bleed with a goldenrod background and trimmed (like The Augustan Ominbus).