Recognition of Titles
The Royalty & Nobility Committee of The Augustan Society, Inc., is responsible for advising the Board of Directors of The Augustan Society, Inc., on recognition of titles of nobility or royalty. Members are advised than not all who claim such status are legitimate. Indeed, we have seen a slow increase in false claims of late. However, it is also true that legitimate titles are being granted, especially by non-European courts, and these may need substantial research to confirm or reject.
Note: The Augustan Society does not claim to be a definitive authority on the legitimacy of any title. The recognition of such is a matter of internal protocol and for the use of the Society in reviewing decisions on how to address various individuals in Society publications and correspondence.
Titles are reviewed either upon petition from a member or non-member, by request of other review committees of the Society, or in moto proprio by the Royalty & Nobility Committee. Upon reaching a conclusion, the Committee will submit a recommendation to the Board for final recognition. Note that a favorable recommendation requires assent from a majority of the members of the Committee, less any who are obliged to recuse themselves. The number, but not the identity, of those assenting must be submitted to Headquarters.
Review of potential removal of recognition is done at the discretion of the Royalty & Nobility Committee Chairman, and again a recommendation for change is submitted to the Board for confirmation. Care must be taken to inform other review committees who might have cause to reexamine other recognitions based on such changes.
All deliberations of the Committee are held in strict confidence, and no notice of failed or revoked recognition will be made.
The Committee has not yet seen fit to establish a procedure for recognition of royal or noble titles. Such must be completed, at least in draft, before additional recognitions can be submitted to the Board.
Said procedure must include the provision that the Royalty & Nobility Committee Chairman, at his sole discretion, may waive the fee for such when the petition is submitted by a Director or a member of the Royalty & Nobility Committee.