Brand Style Guide

From Augustan Society Staff Wiki
Revision as of 11:50, 2 May 2024 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

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As the public image of The Augustan Society, Inc., is an important asset, it is appropriate to create a Brand Style Guide to specify the public image that will be presented to the world, including particularly the use of the Society's arms, badge, and other insignia and logos.

  1. Arms
  2. Badge
  3. Sub-Groups
    1. Order of the Augustan Eagle
    2. Noble Company of the rose
    3. Society of Descendants of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
    4. Society of Descendants of Ireland
    5. Society of Descendants of Scotland
    6. Society of Descendants of the Conquest
    7. Society of Descendants of Hispania
  4. Publications
    1. The Augustan Omnibus
    2. Augustæum
    3. Augustan Society Information Bulletin
    4. The Augustan Society Omnibus
    5. The Augustan
    6. The Augustan Quarterly
    7. The Beetle Gazette
    8. Be-Ne-Lux Genealogist
    9. Çhivalry
    10. The Colonial Genealogist
    11. ¿Cuestiones?
    12. Eastern & Central European Genealogist
    13. Egyptoloty Study Group
    14. The English Genealogist
    15. Forebears
    16. The French Genealogist
    17. Genealogical Library Journal
    18. The Germanic Genealogist
    19. Heraldry
    20. ICI Members' Newsletter
    21. The Irish Genealogist
    22. The Italian Genealogist
    23. Journal of Ancient & Medieval Studies
    24. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Studies
    25. Journal of Heraldic Studies
    26. The Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy
    27. Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the USA
    28. Newsletter of the Octavian Society
    29. Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter
    30. Normaendene
    31. Plymouth Colony Genealogist
    32. Rosarum
    33. The Royalist
    34. The Scottish Genealogist
    35. The Spanish Genealogist
  5. Web sites
    1. Main Web Site (CitySoft)
    2. Online Store
    3. Staff Wiki
  6. Social Media sites
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. LinkTree
    4. YouTube
  7. Email
  8. Letters