Brand Style Guide

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As the public image of The Augustan Society, Inc., is an important asset, it is appropriate to create a Brand Style Guide to specify the public image that will be presented to the world, including particularly the use of the Society's arms, badge, and other insignia and logos.

  1. Arms—The full arms of the Society are to be used on official documents, such as certificates, and on any document that has been approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. Shield—The shield of the full arms of the Society are to be used on documents published by the Society that are official in nature, but which have not specifically been authorized by the Board, such as letterhead.
  3. Badge—The badge of the Society is to be used on the cover and masthead of periodicals published by the Society, and on new editions of periodicals published by other groups who have been given to the Society. This applies to reprints, and to issues that predate this Style Guide.
  4. Sub-Groups
    1. Order of the Augustan Eagle—The full Arms of the OAE are used on documents that have been approved by the Eagle Council or the Chief of the Order acting alone. The Shield of the OAE is to be used in official, but less important ways, such as stationery. The Badge of the OAE is to be used as insignia, and as an abbreviated logo when a full shield would not be suitable.
    2. Noble Company of the rose—The full Arms of the NCR are used on documents that have been approved by the Rose Council or the Magister Rosae acting alone. The Shield of the NCR is to be used in official, but less important ways, such as stationery. The Badge of the NCR is to be used as insignia, and as an abbreviated logo when a full shield would not be suitable.
    3. Society of Descendants of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
    4. Society of Descendants of Ireland
    5. Society of Descendants of Scotland
    6. Society of Descendants of the Conquest
    7. Society of Descendants of Hispania
  5. Publications
    1. The Augustan Omnibus—The cover of this publication shall have the badge in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high. The Arms fo the Society may be used on the masthead if such page as lists the officers of the Society at the time of publication.
    2. Augustæum
    3. Augustan Society Information Bulletin—Reprints of this publication shall have the Badge of the Society in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high.
    4. The Augustan Society Omnibus—Reprints of this publication shall have the Badge of the Society in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high.
    5. The Augustan—Reprints of this publication shall have the Badge of the Society in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high.
    6. The Augustan Quarterly—Reprints of this publication shall have the Badge of the Society in the upper right corner of the cover, 1.8" high.
    7. The Beetle Gazette
    8. Be-Ne-Lux Genealogist
    9. Çhivalry
    10. The Colonial Genealogist
    11. ¿Cuestiones?
    12. Eastern & Central European Genealogist
    13. Egyptoloty Study Group
    14. The English Genealogist
    15. Forebears
    16. The French Genealogist
    17. Genealogical Library Journal
    18. The Germanic Genealogist
    19. Heraldry
    20. ICI Members' Newsletter
    21. The Irish Genealogist
    22. The Italian Genealogist
    23. Journal of Ancient & Medieval Studies
    24. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Studies
    25. Journal of Heraldic Studies
    26. The Journal of Royal & Noble Genealogy
    27. Newsletter of the Heraldry Society of the USA
    28. Newsletter of the Octavian Society
    29. Noble Company of the Rose Newsletter
    30. Normaendene
    31. Plymouth Colony Genealogist
    32. Rosarum
    33. The Royalist
    34. The Scottish Genealogist
    35. The Spanish Genealogist
  6. Web sites
    1. Main Web Site (CitySoft)—The main web site of the Society shall have the Badge of the Society displayed prominently at the top of each page in a size sufficient to permit reading the text thereon at reasonable resolutions.
    2. Online Store—The web site of the Society's Online Store shall have the Badge of the Society displayed prominently at the top of each page in a size sufficient to permit reading the text thereon at reasonable resolutions. At present, the badge is shown as Argent on Sable. This should be changed to the proper tinctures as soon as practicable.
    3. Staff Wiki—As the Staff Wiki is not presently an official publication of the Society, it should not have any Society insignia upon it.
  7. Social Media sites
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. LinkTree
    4. YouTube
  8. Email—Adding insignia to email is impractical, but each should bear in the signature the name of the sender, their office, and the phrase "The Augustan Society, Inc."
  9. Letters—Letters should be sent on letterhead, which shall include the shield of the Society, or of the Committee or Sub-Group responsible.