
Augustan Omnibus

0 bytes added, 17:59, 7 September 2014
/* Format */
#Binding: saddle stitch
#:#Titles — DejaVu Serif bold 24pt centered#:#Subtitles — DejaVu Serif bold 18pt centered#:#Authors — DejaVu Serif Bold 12pt centered#:#Text — DejaVu Serif 12pt justified, first paragraph with three-line drop cap, others indented, two-column with 0.2" gutter#:#Captions — DejaVu Serif Italic 11pt centered#:#Quotations — DejaVu Serif 11pt justified, indent 0.2" on both sides, open quotation marks hung, spacing 0.06" above and below.#:#Table text — DejaVu Sans Condensed 10pt, bold header#:#Bibliographic entries — DejaVu Serif 11pt left, 0.06" above.#:#URL and email addresses — DejaVu Sans Condensed