
Collection Development Grant

176 bytes removed, 17:20, 29 August 2022
typo & clarification
The Augustan Society, Inc., having received and accepted a '''Collection Development Grant''' , should properly set up documentation of the grant's rules, restrictions, and Society procedures.
The grantee will supplement the budget allocation for collection development to the extent needed up to a maximum of $500 in each calendar year.
Should a Department Head find a willing reviewer, books may be drop-shipped directly to them. Books for review must be received at the Library; else a bill will be presented. Reviewers who elect not to review a book will not be penalized.
Note that at present, the target length of a book review for [[The Augustan Omnibus]] is 500 words. Longer reviews may be accepted at the discretion of the [[Omnibus Editor]].
Both the cost of the books and shipping fees, including the costs of shipping to or from reviewers, will be charged to the account of the respective Departments. Books that receive an acceptable review received not less than six months after receipt will have one-half the cost of the book (exclusive of shipping) refunded to the Department's account.
Departments that spend less than their entire allotment will have that amount roll over into the following grant year (presuming the grant is continued). Departments that spend more than their allotment may will carry over up to 10% of the total allotment surplus into the following foollowing grant year(reducing their allotment by that amount).
Departments who spend nothing will find their allotment divided by four and redistributed to amount the other Departments in the following grant year.
Departments who wish to share the cost of a crossover book (one with appeal to both topics) may do so, the formula for charge distribution being at their discretion.
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