House Recognition Procedure

The Augustan Society, Inc., recognizes royal and noble Houses and fontes honorum. The Royalty & Nobility Committee has established the following procedure to be followed in doing so.

  1. Any interested party may submit a request for recognition of a fons honorem to Headquarters. Initially, this will be done via mail or email, but it is planned to add the ability to make petion online at our web site.
  2. Fees required are $285, plus a non-refundable $15 petition fee. Members may receive a 20% discount on the total once approved by the Order of the Augustan Eagle.
  3. Headquarters will inform the Royalty & Nobility Committee Chairman, who will in turn evaluate the request, gather additional information as required, and submit same to the Royalty & Nobility Committee for evaluation and voting.
  4. The Committee will evaluate the information presented and vote on whether or not to recommend the Board of Directors recognize the fons honorem or noble house.
  5. When an affirmative vote equaling a majority of the Committee's membership (excepting those who recuse themselves) has been earned, the Royalty & Nobility Chairman will notify the Assistant Secretary of the Committee’s voting totals.
  6. The Assistant Secretary will place the Committee’s recommendation on the next available Board agenda.
  7. The Board will then vote on recognizing the fons honorem or noble house.
  8. If recognized, the Assistant Secretary (or such officer as records the minutes) will notify:
    • The Webmaster who will add the listing to the Society’s web site along with a link to the House in question (if one exists);
    • The Augustæum Editor who will add such notice to the next available issue;
    • The Royalty & Nobility Committee Chairman; and
    • The original petitioner (by mail, if a non-member).

Last modified on 28 September 2023, at 10:29